
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Magical Leprechaun Words!

So, I have managed almost a whole week with no voice! It has been quite difficult to teach with no voice but it is coming back.. slowly but surely! I hope to be back 100% next week and next week is of course, the week before Spring Break! I. AM. IN.NEED.OF.A.MENTAL.BREAK! Can I get an amen???? I don't know about you but this year has been tough... Common Core, new teacher evaluation system, a new professional development plan, a new grading system (don't get me started!), a new online gradebook, and just so much overtime-- it is all so overwhelming. Plus being gradechair has extra responsibilities. However, I have to remind myself that I went into teacher for the kids.. hence my excitement for them tomorrow! We have snuck in some St. Patrick's Day stuff. I read Jaimie O'Rourke and the Big Potato by Tomie dePaola and we made extraordinary potatoes! I will have to post some pics but they are hilarious! One sweetie made a "French Fries" potato! I have shark potatoes, army potatoes, princess potatoes, and so much more!

The other St. Patrick's Day thing we have been doing is the Incredible Shrinking St. Patrick's Day Leprechaun Hat! We decorated them today after we read, The Leprechaun's Gold by Pamela Duncan Edwards and I told my class that they would only shrink to leprechaun size if they believed. 

At first, they didn't shrink down enough but then I increased the heat to 400 and it only took one minute and then they really started to shrink. Check out Mrs. Miner's Kindergarten Monkey Business for this great idea!  Then to add to the craziness (didn't I say this is one of my favourite holidays??), I have made magical leprechaun pudding!!! 
If your students truly believe in leprechauns and they believe in their magic, then as you stir, this pudding will magically turn GREEN!!! Plus, it helps, if you have magic words (and green food coloring hidden in the middle-- tee hee!)!

Leprechauns, Leprechauns!
Shamrocks seen! 
Magic Powder,

They go wild and are believers! This is why I love first graders and I love the look on their faces! Forget that I am supposed to be writing up my pre-observation form for my evaluation (it's like I am a 1st  year teacher when I am a 9 year veteran!!!) I would rather blog and share my excitement for my kiddos with you because this is what teaching is about. Creating a memory with them that will last. They will not remember the countless formative and summative assessments you give them, the retelling of events of every story you tell, the timed math fact quizzes you give each week to improve their math fact fluency.... So with that, I will take myself to my observation form so I can be fabulous once more! Wish me luck as I am not always sure what they are asking of me on these forms! Happy (early) St. Patrick's Day!  


  1. LOL! Leslie- the forms aren't THAT bad! Well... maybe! Looks like you and your kiddos had a blast celebrating! I LOVE the shrinking hat idea! I haven't seen that before! You definitely need to post pics of your potatoes!

    The Applicious Teacher

    1. Hi Leigh!

      The form is bad.... I am horrible at writing them!!!! I just don't get it!!! You might have a better grasp on it than I do... Anyway.... I just posted pics of the potatoes-- they are super cute!!! Ready to come back???? I am sure not but I am sure your class misses you! xo
