
Saturday, December 7, 2013

I'mmmmm Baaaccckkkk!!!

Wow!! Long time, no blog!! Again, forgive me.. it's been a long time since I've blogged. Some times, you just gotta take a break! Re-group and get fresh ideas... unplug a bit. But I'm back and ready to share what I've been up to! 

This week was all about reindeer week in our classroom! We learned everything there was to learn about reindeer and Rudolph and compared it to dogs and Olive. Every morning we started by checking out real live reindeer with Reindeer Cam:

The kiddos loved this! They were so amazed and they loved seeing names (they thought they were their names) scrolling across the "nice" list. Check it out! 

We also worked out of my "Up on the Housetop" center pack:

Reindeer Syllables

Reindeer True and False

Name that Reindeer- An inferencing activity

Reindeer Blends (sn, sp, sl words)

We were quite the busy bees!

We also watched Olive the Other Reindeer to compare Rudolph to! If you haven't read the story or watched the movie, it is a must! On youtube, it comes in five parts:

I totally love it!! 

Oh, and we made these reindeer hats to look like the ones Olive wore:

They were so cute! 

And to add to the cuteness, we read one of my favourite books:

This is an adorable story of a time when Santa's reindeer are sick and he needs other animals to pull his sleigh so he holds auditions for other animals. My class and I had a blast writing about who could pull Santa's sleigh and they did an AMAZING job!! Look at some of their drafts:

"A polar bear will pull Santa's sleigh..."

"A moose will pull Santa's sleigh..."

We discussed reasons why they choose their particular animal and then we wrote about them. What I really loved were their pictured! I am just so proud of them and how far they have come in their writing!! *sniff-sniff* Proud teacher moment for sure!! 

They are just TOO good! Next week, we will be making these adorable table ornaments:

Most of these centers came from my:

Click on the pic to take you to my store!

In other news, my little big boy turned 7 this week!!! Where does the time go?? We went to Legoland to celebrate his birthday! He didn't want a birthday party...that means he's growing up, right??? It was a nice day and we all had a great time!

That place was amazing! Almost everything made of legos! I really have no patience for building those things but man! It was truly impressive!!!

As always, I like to leave you with a little present! It's a preview file from another new packet of mine:

Click on the pic to take you to my store! 

Click on this pic for your FREEBIE!!

Please check back on my FB page tomorrow for another sweet treat along with another few more sweet treats! The fun starts at 2 p.m.!!! 

Have a super duper weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. I love all the great reindeer ideas. Thanks for the great freebie:-)
