
Thursday, January 2, 2014

It's CURRENTLY... January Edition!

I think I've done pretty good on my blogging! Maybe it's because I am home. Or maybe I am trying to hold onto my resolution! Anyhoo.. pretty proud of myself! Today I am linking up with Farley from Oh, Boy! 3rd Grade and her monthly linky party. I'm a tad late... I think I haven't linked up in a while and I am like 290 or 300 by the time I finish this post! So, let's go!

Listening: Yes, to Snoopy! For like the billionth time! My boys love Snoopy and never fail to laugh at the same parts over and over again! I love the sound of their laughter; DON'T love the sound of bickering as to who gets to watch what next. I know some of you out there can relate!

Loving: Being relaxed!! Yes! I have to admit I am a workaholic. I am type A personality to a T and I never stop. I am even sitting here working on stuff before I started this post. I wish I could slow down time so I can relax some more and I wish I could slow down my boys growing up!! We had a great NYE together!! We went to a park downtown and had lunch al fresco! 

Thinking: Holy he%@!! I am 37 today!! Please don't tell me I look 37!! Today is my birthday!! I celebrated yesterday since my husband was home (he went to work today-- sadsville!!) and we had cake! That's all I needed!! 

Need: A Pedicure!! I've been wanting one bc I will be honest, I have horrible cracked, dry, heels! The kind that I know they cringe when they see. Hey! I say it like it is!! Brian and my dad say it's because I don't wear socks! Not so sure but I want pretty toes again!! It's a purely selfish need!! 

Memory: I am looking at my tree and thinking that I need to put it down. My motto is, We put it up together, we take it down together and reminisce about the ornaments we added and the moments we shared over the holidays! 

We go back Tuesday so I am excited to have a few more days!! I am working on posts that I hope you will always find more useful and come back to weekly. One of them I would like to try to do is "Math Mondays"! Where I share with you some centers and strategies for you to use and implement in your classrooms. Got any ideas that you'd like to see? I am thinking of a few.. Check out these cute $1 items I saw today at Target and Dollar Tree

Isn't this little mailbox the cutest??? Target has them. I bought 5 of them and have some fun ideas and centers to share with you!! Check back soon! 

Love these little boxes from Dollar Tree. 

I saw these gems at Dollar Tree, too! I have red ones as well. I love to buy little simple things for my class to use!!

Thanks so much for keeping up with me! I have a little freebie for you! I was working on a larger unit but got distracted... Click on the picture to download!

(this is just a sample page!)

Have a GREAT night! 


  1. I created an antonym freebie tonight and was in search of synonyms (so I didn't have to create my own). THANKS so much! This is greatly appreciated!

    My 3 year old is constantly putting on the same show nonstop and it drives me insane but it does keep him out of trouble - so that is a plus!

    Also, Happy Birthday!!!!

    1. So glad I could help you!!! It's amazing how kids and watch the SAME thing over and over again!!! Can't wait to see your antonym freebie! Your Math ISN's are amazing!

      Thanks for the birthday wish!

  2. Happy Birthday and no, you look nowhere near 37! Love the synonym game. We have two readers in kindergarten reading on a second grade level. We are always looking for activities they can do while we are doing reading groups with on-level readers. I know my little super-kinder will love inviting the other super-reader to our room to play this game. Thank you!

    1. Yay! So glad my center helped your sweet kinder babies! That is amazing that you have 2 super readers-- such a proud teacher! I tell you, kindergarten is not the same kindergarten in years before! My hats off to you all! I appreciate all the hard work K teachers do to help them get ready for 1st!

  3. Happy Birthday! Thank you so much for the adorable synonym activity. I can't wait to prep and use it! Carol

    1. Thank you, Carol! Glad you can put it to good use!!

  4. I totally understand the need for a pedicure - I've been dying to have one myself! My poor feet, Florida makes me want it all the more. That cake looks sooooo good, where did you get it? And I love those mailboxes... now if only I could figure out a way to incorporate them into 5th grade without my principal thinking it's too silly.... hmmm. :)

    happy birthday!

    1. I've yet to get my pedi! Hope you were able to pamper yourself!! I got the cake at Publix. It was good... with 6 inches of icing on top!! It was a pretty cake. And yes, you could use them for 6th grade.. why not? Could you sort words by shades of meaning?? Or by multiples? Just some ideas! :-)

  5. Hi Leslie, I just tagged you on this month's Currently! Love this activity coz it lays out so many links to so many blogs! Would you believe I tagged three and all are from Florida!

    Lcie aka
