
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

It's a New Blog! How does it "measure" up??

Hey everyone!!! Can I just say that I LOVE my new blog look!!! Megan from A Bird in Hand Designs custom designed my blog and I LOVE it!! You must check out her designs if you are in the market for a blog or want to update your blog! She is super easy to work with and listens to what you vision is and makes it come true! Thanks, Megan!! 

This week we have been busy with key details and the details that support them! My dear friend and bloggy sis, Leigh, The Applicious Teacher has a fabulous winter pack that has the perfect center in there that we used this week! 

Here are some of my kiddos using it with me! 

The kids had so much fun working with this enriching skill! Click on the cover page above to take you to Leigh's store to check out her amazing product!!

We've also been working on non-standard measurement this week. I used activities from my Non-Standard Measurement FREEBIE pack. You can pick it here!

 I started with a favourite character! Sid the Science Kid!! Love that purple haired kid!

Then I started with How Does my Teacher Measure Up? My kids got to measure me with foot prints! I wish I had taken pictures but obviously couldn't but I did take pictures of their papers. They were so funny when they estimated how many footprints long I was! Then we actually measured how long I really was and I was 10! They had so much fun! 

Aren't their drawings cute?? Today was their turn! I paired them up using a new app called Pik Me (sorry... I couldn't find an image on the computer. I would try looking on the app store!) and paired them up! I passed out their own "feet" to use as their measurement tools and they got to measure their friends! How fun!!

They did so good!!! And finally today, I met my senior intern!!! Welcome Mrs. Diaz!!! It was so good to finally meet her and know who my partner in crime will be for the next few months! I am so looking forward to working with her and helping her on her way to becoming a teacher! I am so excited to help her on her journey to success!!! It will be great! 

Hope you all have a great rest of the week! 


  1. I <3 the new blog design, Leslie! For REALZIES! Thank you again for your sweet words! Glad your kiddos had fun with the centers. Also, thanks for the FREEBIE! Non standard measurement is not in our curriculum anymore, but it is always fun to use start there, then move into standard. Love you girlie!

    The Applicious Teacher

  2. What a great idea! I can't wait to do it with my class! I think I will need less feet because I'm only 4'11! Thanks.
