I was super excited! In other news my first grades besties and I have been texting back and forth this morning and joking about entering the DPP (Deliberate Practice Plan) Cave today--our county's version of a professional growth plan. My plan is on Charlotte Danielson's power component 3D-- Using Assessment in Instruction and specifically in my plan-- writing. Writing to me is one of the most hardest skills to develop in primary as they come in with all kinds of writing skills! Am I right??? So this year was especially difficult because we went straight to Common Core writing (our state and county are slowly implementing CCSS by county and grade level) where most of it was evidence based writing and finding where in the text they can find support and write about it, then writing opinion pieces based on evidence, and the list goes on, and on.... We really didn't touch too much on the final editing process as our writing went with the story of the week and then we had to move on. Whereas in years past I could spend an extended length of time on a writing concept/piece and really focus on mechanics, style, and creativity! And if I am to be honest with myself, my kids this year as not as strong in writing as they should be. As a reflective practioner I should be able to be honest with myself and say that and that's okay! So, as these past few weeks dwindle on and I have my homeroom class back, I really want to focus on writing projects the old school way with a twist of common core as I have done all year!! To help I have revamped my editing sheet to share with you. I use a simplified version called CUPS:
Here is another for student self assessment I just added:
You can click on the pictures to download it from Google drive. I hope you will find them as useful as I have! The kids find it easy and I have toyed with the idea of putting CUPS on one of those self stampers but I like the idea of having the peer editor put a comment for improvement and one compliment (always end with a positive, right??).
Okay, well, now I am off to retreat into my DPP cave! I pray for the light at the end of the tunnel! Happy Sunday, friends!