Happy Sunday everyone!!! Got my first week done with my firsties and I love them! They are a cute bunch of kiddos (don't we say that every year?) and I was tired! Hence the reason I have been MIA in my posts here and on FB. I usually post regularly but I cannot seem to catch my breath. It is my 2nd week and I already need these
At least this year my district has decided NOT to give us so many mandates and I can actually concentrate on teaching a bit more! This will be our 2nd year fully implemented in Common Core and I feel pretty comfortable with the material and ready for the year. Ready meaning I understand the Core verbiage but not ready as in ready lesson plan wise or set up right now! Still have LOTS of ideas swirling in my head!!! So let's get started on some pictures!
As every teacher, we got all our procedures out of the way! The good thing is that they knew where the places were but just had to review the new procedures. One of the new things I really wanted to do this year was math journals. I bought Anna Brantley's Math Journals and I am in LOVE!! They are great and I got the set during the Back to School sale. I loved the first question of "What is your favourite number?" and even myself, I had no idea what my favourite number is and neither did the kids. It was so powerful to hear their answers. Some littles said their favourite number was "6 or 7" because that is how old they were. Some said 100 because they wanted $100!
We also started a little bit of centers so they would get used to the rotations, the flow of the room, and center expectations. I do not do Daily 5 in my classroom (although have heard GREAT things) but we decided after much debate and tears, we will go with the 100 minute walk-to grouping and Daily 5 just doesn't work with that structure. My kids did a great job with their centers using the book:
If you want the writing center activity and label a cricket center...click on the slide where you see the activity to take you to the downloads.
Our first week in science is all about scientists and what do scientists do. Our county has encouraged us to do an experiment a week (I usually did anyway!!) and my kids had a BLAST exploring the different science tools!
Next week, we will be doing Science for Kids Gummy Bear Lab. Click on her button to take you to her store.

And it was mildly funny-- not that funny but more in an oxymoron way! My blood pressure was high, I had high stress (Do they know what my job is??) and overweight. BUT my good cholesterol was good and overall health score was good!!! The sad reality is I think my sugars are out of control (I had gestational diabetes and my dad is diabetic) and I think I may have to go on medicine...:-( So I have an appointment made and know that this will be another adjustment for me!!! All I know is that we gotta do it for ourselves and our family!!! Will keep you posted!
Then I sat for almost an hour with these!!
Sharpening pencils is such a TEDIOUS TASK!!!! I thought my arm would fall off but I am telling you!!! This sharpener is the best!!!!
If you would like to win this sharpener, my sweet friend, Daina from Sticky Notes and Glitter is giving one away in PINK!!!!! Yes!! PINK!! Click on her button to enter!!! I wish I had a pink one but I already have 3 of these.....

And now.... I had to choose another winner for my Glam Back to School Winner.... So....Amy B.
You are the WINNER!!! Please check your e-mail!!!!
As you finish reading this already long post-- I know you held on because you love me!!! Please go on over to our Primary Chalkboard and meet the fabulous author's behind our blog! So far you have met: Tamara and Alyssha, Faith and Lisa, and now Stacy and Katie!!! When you visit, please leave some love for us! We adore comments and READ them!!! Click on the chalkboard to take you there!
Stacy and Lisa (the other girls did, too, in case you missed it!!) have some fab freebies and a giveaway for you!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you all have a fantastic week!!! My friend, Leigh, the Applicious Teacher and I will be on "The Board" Wednesday! Come and see us!!!
Thanks so, so much for sharing my giveaway sweet friend!!!! <3!!!